Ethnic House of Aceh : Rumoh Aceh

From Jogja we will go to west of indonesia that is Aceh. Ethnic House in Aceh called Rumoh Aceh. This traditional house-type houses on stilts with 3 main sections and one additional section.
There are three part of Aceh Traditional House :

1. seuramoë keuë (front porch),
room that serves to receive male guests, and is located at the front of the house. The room is also well into the bed and eat a male guest.

2. seuramoë teungoh (central foyer)
Rumoh-Inong (main), where the space is in between the front porch and back porch. Position is higher than the second platform. The main house is divided into two rooms. Both are separated or also called sweet alley that connects the front porch and back porch. 

3. seuramoë likôt (back porch).
The main function of this room is to receive female guests. It's in the back of the house. Such as the front porch, foyer could also well be a bed and a dining area women.

More additional section that is
4.  rumoh dapu (rumah dapur) like a kicthen.
usually a kitchen adjacent or connected to the back porch. The floor is slightly lower than the floor of the back porch.

5. Seulasa (terrace),
Terrace home located at the very front. Terrace attached to the front porch.

6. Kroong-padee (granary), 
Separate from the main building, but was still in the yard. Be located in the back, side, or even in front of the house.

7. Keupaleh (gate), 
This fact does not include the general characteristics for the use of gates in general rich people's homes or community leaders. The gate was made ​​of wood and it is pedestrianized booth.

8. Tamee (pole), 
The strength of the pole is the main foundation of this traditional home. Pole-shaped timber with a diameter of 20-35 cm 150-170 cm tall it could amount to 16, 20, 24, or 28 rods. The existence of these poles facilitate the process of moving home without having to unpack. Usually moving home without having to unpack raised by many people.

Rumoh Aceh

Of house position is designed by ancient tribal ancestors Aceh to care about the natural conditions make the house earthquake resistant. This is picture ethnic house Aceh bulid by people.
People Version

The layout of the ethnic house position uniform shape, ie rectangular stretch from east to west. That said, the location was chosen to facilitate extending the determination of the direction of Qibla. Many people in Aceh religion is Moslem. In terms carvings, rumoh Aceh in each district in Aceh province are not the same. Each has a variety of different carving.

Currently the number of traditional houses in the village becomes smaller because of the cost it takes to make rumoh Aceh is much more expensive than building a regular house / modern. Treatment cost was no less drain bag. So many people in Aceh build his modern home.

Whereas in the past the majority of residents in the average residential living in ethnic traditional houses made ​​of wood and thatched it. Even those who are well off, decorate the wooden house with carvings and other ornaments. Meanwhile, residents who live from hand to mouth, enough to build a wooden house without carving and ornamentation. 

This is not strange because until the 1980s people were still easily get the wood so that the cost to build affordable rumoh Aceh at that time. But, at this time the cost to build a traditional house is two times the cost of a modern home.

In the past, Aceh rumoh roof made ​​of thatch. In case of fire, the thatch roof can be lowered simply by cutting one of the straps are made ​​of rattan or palm fiber.

First, in front of the stairs leading to the house, usually terdepat jars. This object is used to store water for washing feet each want to get into the house.

One part is also important in Aceh is rumoh stairs. Typically, the staircase is located under the house. Everyone should head to head with the door open in order to enter.

Number of the steps, always odd. One more typical of rumoh Aceh is the building is made without nails.

To associate the wooden beams with one another quite used pegs or ropes of rattan or palm fiber. Most people in Aceh, sometimes also make the yard as a place of burial.

source :

Categorization Javanese Joglo House

Javanese Joglo house forms can be distinguished as follows:

1. Joglo house Kepuhan Limasan 
This house wearing double uleng , sunduk flash ander somewhat longer and shorter , so empyak / roof brunjung longer .

2. Joglo house Kepuhan Lawakan
Joglo house is without a geganja , brunjung roof looks somewhat upright so high .

3. Joglo house Jempongan
Joglo is a sled that uses two pieces with a square floor plan .

4. Joglo house pengrawit
Called for Joglo pengrawit emblem hanging , gabion roof responders stretched from the roof , the roof overhang of the roof stretched responders , given each corner pole ( saka ) bentung stuck in a corner , overlapping five , wearing singup and geganja

5. Joglo house ceblokan.
A home that wear Pendem saka ( there are parts of the lower pole of pent ) . This form home sometimes does not wear sunduk .

6. Joglo house Apitan
Joglo house with gabions empyak higher for shorter sleigh . This home form looks small but slim .

7. Joglo House Lambangsari
Joglo house used lambangsari , without empyak patio , with five levels of intercropping , double uleng and godegan .

8. Joglo house Apitan/ Joglo House Trajumas
Joglo is a sled wearing three pieces , three or five pieces overlap and four empyak ( roof ) patio .

9. Joglo Semar Tinandu
Joglo house wearing two sleigh and two poles ( saka ) between two teachers sleigh . Usually two pole wall was replaced with a connection of this sort Beteng most homes used as regol ( gate ) .

10. Joglo house Hageng ( large )
Almost the same as joglo pengrawit but lower size and plus roof called peningrat and added tratak circumference .

11. Joglo house Mangkurat
Basically the same as Joglo pengrawit , but a higher roof and connecting with penitih responders .

12. Joglo house Wantah clamp
Joglo house wearing five pieces overlap , and takir singup lumajang . The house usually looks svelte shape .

source :

Javanese Joglo Traditional House Part 2

Now we will continue write from previous post .

4.1 Sentong Tengen (Right Sentong)
Sentong tengen is part used as bedroom for a boy who had been married.

4.2 Sentong Kiwo (Left Sentong)
Sentong kiwo same as sentong tengen, used for bedroom but for girl who had been married.

4.3 Sentong Tengah (Center Sentong)
Sentong tengah also called Petanen, Pasren, Pedaringan atau Krobongan. This sentong is considered sacred and used for worship. Javanese people are the majority depend on agriculture, believes that Central Sentong is the abode of the spirits of ancestors as Dewi Sri Goddess of Fertility. Dewi Sri also considered to be the incarnation of rice. Because it is considered sacred, sentong tengah should not be any people unless there is a need to enter it. People who go sentong republic must be careful and respect the host in this case Dewi Sri. Sentong placed in the middle of the bed or kantil complete with bolster pillows, mirror and comb. In addition there are always lit oil lamps, both in daylight and night.

5+6. Gandok Tengen (right) dan Gandok kiwo (left)
Different just the position in right and left. Gandok is part located next to the building (pavilium). Usually attached to the back of the building. Gandok longitudinal direction transverse to the back of the house. Gandok serves as a storage area of kitchen furniture, dining room and sometimes serves as a kitchen.

Some additional building also include in Javanese Joglo.

7. Kuncung
Kuncung is part for relaxing.  This building located on the side or front of the pavilion that serves as a place to relax as drinking tea or reading a newspaper.

8. Pawon
Pawon is part of Javanese Joglo House, function for cooking like as kicthen.

This is all of part of Javanese Joglo House, if any question please write in comment box. Thanks in advance.

source : google,

Javanese Joglo Traditional House

Joglo is traditional ethnic house of Javanese society. In Yogyakarta this house use from from kings to commoners. Joglo usually placed in front of house. This is parts of Javanese joglo :

  1. pendapa.
  2. pringgitan.
  3. dalem.
  4. sentong.
  5. gandok tengen.
  6. gandok kiwo. 

Javanese Joglo

1. Pendapa (pavillion)
Pendapa is the very front of joglo house. This parts without limiting and usually used to receive guests typically used as a meeting place for large events for owner. Like as leather puppet show, dance, gamelan and a celebration other event. soko guru,soko pengerek,tumpang sari.  There is usually a soko guru (cornerstone), soko pengerek (pillar drill), and tumpang sari(intercropping).
2. Pringgitan
Pringgitan section is part for link between the paviliion (Pendapa) and "rumah dalem". This part usually limit the seketsel and the palace is restricted to "gebyok" (wooden wall). Function of pringgitan usually as part of the living room.
3. Dalem
Dalem section is part for family. Like as family room so this part is more private.
Sentong section is primarily used as a bedroom. But before parents marry off their children, then the door will always sentong closed or locked. Sentong recently opened or worn to sleep after her son married. In my house, sentong used for my family who homecoming from other place.

For other place will be descripe in the next post. Thanks.

source : google, wikipedia