Javanese Joglo house forms can be distinguished as follows:
1. Joglo house Kepuhan Limasan
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1. Joglo house Kepuhan Limasan
This house wearing double uleng , sunduk flash ander somewhat longer and shorter , so empyak / roof brunjung longer .
2. Joglo house Kepuhan Lawakan
Joglo house is without a geganja , brunjung roof looks somewhat upright so high .
3. Joglo house Jempongan
Joglo is a sled that uses two pieces with a square floor plan .
4. Joglo house pengrawit
Called for Joglo pengrawit emblem hanging , gabion roof responders stretched from the roof , the roof overhang of the roof stretched responders , given each corner pole ( saka ) bentung stuck in a corner , overlapping five , wearing singup and geganja
5. Joglo house ceblokan.
A home that wear Pendem saka ( there are parts of the lower pole of pent ) . This form home sometimes does not wear sunduk .
6. Joglo house Apitan
Joglo house with gabions empyak higher for shorter sleigh . This home form looks small but slim .
7. Joglo House Lambangsari
Joglo house used lambangsari , without empyak patio , with five levels of intercropping , double uleng and godegan .
8. Joglo house Apitan/ Joglo House Trajumas
Joglo is a sled wearing three pieces , three or five pieces overlap and four empyak ( roof ) patio .
9. Joglo Semar Tinandu
Joglo house wearing two sleigh and two poles ( saka ) between two teachers sleigh . Usually two pole wall was replaced with a connection of this sort Beteng most homes used as regol ( gate ) .
10. Joglo house Hageng ( large )
Almost the same as joglo pengrawit but lower size and plus roof called peningrat and added tratak circumference .
11. Joglo house Mangkurat
Basically the same as Joglo pengrawit , but a higher roof and connecting with penitih responders .
12. Joglo house Wantah clamp
Joglo house wearing five pieces overlap , and takir singup lumajang . The house usually looks svelte shape .
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