Javanese Joglo Traditional House Part 2

Now we will continue write from previous post .

4.1 Sentong Tengen (Right Sentong)
Sentong tengen is part used as bedroom for a boy who had been married.

4.2 Sentong Kiwo (Left Sentong)
Sentong kiwo same as sentong tengen, used for bedroom but for girl who had been married.

4.3 Sentong Tengah (Center Sentong)
Sentong tengah also called Petanen, Pasren, Pedaringan atau Krobongan. This sentong is considered sacred and used for worship. Javanese people are the majority depend on agriculture, believes that Central Sentong is the abode of the spirits of ancestors as Dewi Sri Goddess of Fertility. Dewi Sri also considered to be the incarnation of rice. Because it is considered sacred, sentong tengah should not be any people unless there is a need to enter it. People who go sentong republic must be careful and respect the host in this case Dewi Sri. Sentong placed in the middle of the bed or kantil complete with bolster pillows, mirror and comb. In addition there are always lit oil lamps, both in daylight and night.

5+6. Gandok Tengen (right) dan Gandok kiwo (left)
Different just the position in right and left. Gandok is part located next to the building (pavilium). Usually attached to the back of the building. Gandok longitudinal direction transverse to the back of the house. Gandok serves as a storage area of kitchen furniture, dining room and sometimes serves as a kitchen.

Some additional building also include in Javanese Joglo.

7. Kuncung
Kuncung is part for relaxing.  This building located on the side or front of the pavilion that serves as a place to relax as drinking tea or reading a newspaper.

8. Pawon
Pawon is part of Javanese Joglo House, function for cooking like as kicthen.

This is all of part of Javanese Joglo House, if any question please write in comment box. Thanks in advance.

source : google,